5 Ways To Plan A Better Road Trip

5 Ways To Plan A Better Road Trip

Do you remember the feels of the journey as a kid when we use to stick our heads out of the window and feel the wind blowing through our faces? I think that was the moment, pretty much enough to get most of us to fall in love with road trips. Well, if you have never been on a road trip, I am sure you might have planned it for once in your life at least… like a sneak out with your friends when you get inspired by watching those movies based on road trips. So,…. real-life road trips are not exactly like what they show in most movies. Before hitting the road, you need to be sure and ready because things can go very easily and incredibly wrong when you are on the road. You need to be prepared and plan if you wish to enjoy every moment of your time out.

Therefore, I would like to share some tips and tricks that can make sure you are prepared.

5 Ways To Plan A Better Road Trip

1. Start With The Itinerary 

planning an itinerary is important because when you are ready to sit in your car for eight or more hours you should at least be sure where are you going. Your destination should be clear to you beforehand so that you don’t have to be worried about what you should do or where you should go ..or start from. Besides maintaining an itinerary will help you to maintain the check on basic commodities like food, Toilets, Oil/Gas stations, etc. 

2. Get Your Car Serviced 

Make sure to get your car cleaned up before hitting the road. have chewing gums, and napkins under your seat beforehand. Have your mechanic check your car’s fluid levels, brakes, tires, and anything else that could cause problems on the way. Be sure your spare tire is fully inflated. And most importantly don’t forget the papers in your car. 

3. Use Technology

Yes… You know it already ” technology is essential” ….when you are on a road trip to an entirely new place the last thing you would want is to get lost. It sounds fun ‘according to the perspective of a movie but seriously it’s way more tiring and annoying. Now in this situation use technologies. (It’s hard to study a paper map and very exhausting, especially when you are also driving) so use google maps instead, it’s reliable and very easy to use. It will be a huge bummer if you are relying on google maps and your phone battery dies, to avoid that situation also but an in-car phone charger or a battery pack, these are the road trip must-haves.

4. Foresee Struggle Spots

When you are riding miles on a road trip, it’s not hard to find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Before the journey make sure you have researched properly. Have the briefs about where are you going what is the reputation of the place and what kind of people can you anticipate meeting there, What is the traffic status, and if any successful shortcuts are provided (safe Though)? 

5. Have Your Documents And Money

It’s Last but most important, DO NOT forget your license, insurance card, Car documents, and an extra ID. If any of these are missing you can be in deep trouble if got pulled over. Also, Don’t forget to have some cash in your pocket along with your ATM cards always keep some extra money in your pants just in case of an emergency. 

There you go, plan yourself the best experience of your life. Be safe and have fun.

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